1. Personal Care – Exercise, Diet, Meditation, Sleep,
  2. Be Positive
    1. Plan don’t panic – This is the cycle of business and it will end
    2. Got to Adapt to Survive or Exploit the New
    3. IVVM (idealise, verbalise, visualise and materialise)
  3. Life Goes on – Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.
  4.  Leadership
    1. Strength
    2. Conviction
  5. Plan Don’t Panic
    1. Quarterly plan
    2.  Daily plan
    3. Re – Plan.
  6. Cashflow Forecast
    1. Fixed expenses
    2. Variable expenses
  7. Chase Down All Debts & Revise Client Payment Terms
    1. Old Debts.
    2. Conscious About New Debts or Clients at Risk (Air Lines/Event Companies/Restaurants )
    3. Discounts for Cash up
  8. Your Supplier Payment Terms
    1. Extend?
    2. Holiday Periods?
  9. No Unnecessary New Spending
    1. New Spending policy
  10. Cut Spending
    1. Overheads?
    2. Products and Services – Use Old Stock – Stop Buying New Stock not needed
    3. Skeleton Staff.
    4. Non –essentials.
  11. Finance (Leverage) & Opportunity
    1. Overdraft
    2. Loans
    3. Take advantage of Cheap rates
    4. Take advantage of Holiday periods
  12. Finance (Tax) & Opportunity
    1. VAT
    2. PAYE
    3. Business rates
    4. Holiday periods
    5. Re-Payment plans
  13. Communication (TEAM)
    1. Remote working facilities (Zoom, VOIP & Laptops).
    2. FAQ’s Communication Policy to communicate with stakeholders
    3. Daily Frog Sheet from remote team
    4. Zoom/Skype calls
    5. Daily updates
  14. Communication with Clients – Focus on Client Retention
    1. What you can do service and products wise?
    2. Your Cleanliness or cleaning protocol etc.
    3. Contact/Re-Engage Past Clients
  15.  Delivery
    1. What is the Consumer Confidence in your market right now?
    2. How will reduction affect your Team and Delivery?
    3. How can you deliver the same service with less staff?
  16.  Diversify
    1. What opportunity is there?
    2. What products can we sell?
    3. How can we sell our current products differently?
  17. Sales Cycle
    1. Who is in the Sales Cycle now?
    2. How can we get more in the Sales Cycle now and for which Products?
    3. How long to get new Prospects into the Sales Cycle once the Cycle finishes?
  18. Marketing and Sales
    1. Must Continue – If you are not growing you are dying
    2. What needs to change?
    3. How can we be more effective/efficient?
  19. Look for small wins every hour
    1. Focus on what you want not what you don’t want.
    2. Reduce the negative stuff you are absorbing from the news and ‘hear say’.
  20. Be ready for the Opportunities when we come out of this Cycle
    1. Competitors may go under so there will be clients looking for new service
    2. Property will be readily available and cheap.
  21. Be Ready to Re-Plan
    1. If things change drastically be ready to update the plan.
  22. How can you come out of this phase stronger not weaker?
    1. Leaner
    2. Faster
    3. Stronger
    4. Focused